9th International Conference on Climatic Changes, Challenges of Sustainable Development, Current and Advanced Research on Business Management, Economy And Law Studies. المؤتمر الدولی التاسع حول التغیرات المناخیة وتحدیات التنمیة المستدامة والبحوث الحالیة والمتقدمة فی إدارة الأعمال والاقتصاد والدراسات القانونیة .

Guide for Author

1)  Availability of international academic standards in participating research and their relevance to the proposed conference themes, while checking the adoption of scientific research methodology and documenting references and sources in the body of the research.

2) The research is recent and has not been published or presented at other scientific forums.

3) Submit a summary of the research within (250) words accompanied by its keywords, in size A4 and margins (2.5 cm) from all sides.

4) The number of pages of the fully submitted research should not exceed 20 pages including the abstract, references, and illustrations if any, in Simplified Arabic for research in Arabic and Arial font for research in other foreign languages, with the use of the font size in the text 12, and for the main headings 14, and The distance between the lines is 1.5 (taking into account the different publishing requirements of the selected publishing body from different journals).

5) Each page in excess is calculated in an amount of (30 pounds) for researchers participating from inside Egypt, (20 dollars) for researchers from outside Egypt.

6) Research papers and their abstracts are accepted for publication in the language specified by the researcher from the following languages: Arabic / English / French / Italian, and an electronic copy in MS Word Doc and PDF format is delivered by e-mail.

7) The research submitted to the conference is subject to scientific arbitration from an excellent group of professors specialized in the arbitration committee, and the committee has the right to accept or reject the scientific material presented to it, or it can ask the researcher to make amendments it deems necessary.